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Ways to Liven Up a Sandwich

When it comes to lunch a good ole fashioned sandwich is a classic option for many people when they take a midday break. Sandwiches are fairly simple to prepare, so it’s easy to slip into a routine of a boring meat and cheese combination. Many people only get 30 minutes to enjoy a midday break which has to carry them until evening, so it’s nice to have a little inspiration for a satisfying lunch. Here are 5 ways to jazz up a sandwich.

  1. Add sprouts. Alfalfa sprouts can easily be purchased in the produce section of your local independent grocer. They can be added to a sandwich just like lettuce, except they add an additional nutty and earthy flavor. Not to mention they are loaded with nutrients.
  2. Use hummus or mashed chickpeas instead of mayo. Roasted red pepper hummus or garlic hummus are personal favorites on any sandwich or wrap. I also love mashing up chickpeas, after they are rinsed, then add a little pepper or smoked paprika and spread them on like hummus.
  3. Go California style. Avocado always adds a lot. Sliced or mashed you simply can’t go wrong when you add avocado.
  4. A key part of a good sammie is the bread or lack of bread. Consider making your sandwich a lettuce wrap or collard green wrap. If you love a sandwich in between to slices consider going with a sprouted grain bread for added texture and flavor. Bakery fresh bread also makes for a hearty and filling sandwich.
  5. It’s all about the sauce. Have fun experimenting with flavored mustards, mayo or olive tapenade spreads. Adding a flavorful spread can be the key ingredient to liven up any sandwich.

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