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5 Habits for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul

5 Habits for a Healthy Mind, Body, & Soul

The connection between our mind and physical well-being runs deep. We typically look to diet and exercise when we think about being healthy. While those are certainly significant factors in our overall health, it’s also important to find balance in our physical, mental, and emotional needs. Here are 5 habits for a healthy mind, body, and soul to consider when cultivating this connection.


  1. Keep learning and read often. Let your education continue as you open your mind to new interests. If you are passionate about a particular subject or person, find a book or research more online.
  2. Find an activity you love. Make exercise a regular part of your routine. Strive for at least 20 minutes of activity 6 times a week. Limit extended periods of sitting or being still. Even standing and stretching every 20 minutes can help promote blood flow and wake the senses.
  3. Focus on the healthy food you enjoy eating. Instead of trying to force down a salad because you think it’s low-calorie, work to find vegetables you enjoy. Make a list of your favorite healthy veggies and foods. Find new ways to incorporate all the vegetables and fruits you love into your weekly meal plan.
  4. Get some fresh air. Try to spend more time outdoors. Consider a short walk after work if you live in a cold climate. Bundle up and soak up a little winter sunshine.
  5. Smile more at people and share kind words. Smiling contributes to your own happiness and that of other people. A good hardy smile helps our brain fight stress and releases endorphins to relieve pain. The power of a smile can cause positive emotions for you and those around you.

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