Cherry Crumble Bars


Crust and topping
1 ½ c. Best Choice All purpose flour
¾ cup Best Choice Granulated Sugar
¼ tsp Best Choice salt
6 tbsp Unsalted Best Choice Butter, softened

Cherry Filling
2 large Best Choice Eggs
1 cup Granulated Best Choice Sugar
½ cup Best Choice Sour Cream
1/3 cup, Plus 1 Tbsp All Purpose Best Choice Flour
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
12 oz bag of Best Choice Frozen Tart Cherries


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and 8×8 pan with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Making the crust; mix together the flour, sugar and salt in a medium bowl. Put the butter into 1/2in pieces and add to the flour mixture. Cut in with a four until the butter is evenly distributed and the mix looks like breadcrumbs. Evenly press ¾ of the mixture into the bottom of the 8×8 pan and reserve the rest for the topping.
  3. For the Filling; in a spate bowl mix the eggs, sugar, sour cream, flour and vanilla extract. Gently fold the cherries in the mix. Pour over the crust in pan. Top the with the remaining Crust mixture.
  4. Bake for 60-70 mins or until the top turns golden brown. Cool completely in refrigerator before cutting.

Cherry Crumble Bars

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