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Easy Homemade Hummus


1 (15oz) can of Clearly by Best Choice Garbanzo Beans, drained with liquid reserved
1 clove of garlic crushed
2 teaspoons of Clearly by Best Choice Ground Cumin
1/2 tsp Best Choice Superior Selections Sea Salt
1 tbsp Clearly by Best Choice Olive Oil
1 tbsp toasted pine nuts (optional)

n a food processor or blender mix garbanzo beans, crushed garlic, cumin, salt and olive oil. Pulse together until well blended. Pour some of the reserved liquid from the beans over the mixture and continue to blend until the hummus reaches your desired consistency.
Serve with fresh vegetables.

Optional: top hummus with toasted pine nuts, and drizzle a little olive oil over the dip before serving. To toast pine nuts evenly spread nuts in a dry sauté pan and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes occasionally stirring the pine nuts as they toast.

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