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Herbed Quinoa Burger


1/2 cup Clearly Organic Quinoa

1 cup Clearly Organic vegetable broth

2 slices whole wheat bread

1 (14 oz) can Clearly Organic Chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1 Clearly Organic Egg

1/4 cup Cilantro leaves

1 teaspoon Clearly Organic Cumin

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon Clearly Organic ground pepper

2 Tablespoon Clearly Organic Olive Oil

In a small sauce pan, bring quinoa and broth to a boil over medium-high heat. Cover and reduce heat to low then cook until broth is absorbed, about 15 minutes. Let quinoa mix cool. In a food processor blend two slices of wheat bread until they are fine bread crumbs. Add chickpeas, egg, cumin, salt and pepper to the food processor.   Pulse blend mixture until all the ingredients are finely chopped. Scrape sides to make sure all ingredients are evenly blended. Remove blades from food processor and form patties with the quinoa mixture, will make about 6 patties. Pour 1 Tablespoon olive oil in a frying pan. Brush patties with 1 Tablespoon olive oil and cook in frying pan over medium heat. Let each side lightly brown, about 4 minutes per side.

Herbed Quinoa Burgers are great served over a bed of leafy greens atop warm pita bread. I like adding, tomato, avocado and a dollop of plain Greek yogurt for a high protein balanced meal.

Herbed Quinoa Burger Herbed Quinoa Burger

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