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Watermelon Melon Salad with Cucumber


4 cups watermelon, cubed

1 cup English cucumber, thinly sliced

1/2 cup Best Choice Superior Selections feta cheese crumbles

3 Tablespoons chopped fresh basil

2 Tablespoons Clearly Organic Olive Oil

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon Clearly Organic Ground Pepper

Watermelon Salad

Watermelon and cucumber are two of the most refreshing summer foods. So why not combine them in one crisp flavorful salad. Melon always pairs well with fresh basil, so when feta and cucumber are mixed in it gives these natural ingredients the perfect sweet and savory combination.


In a large salad bowl add watermelon cubes, sliced cucumber, feta crumbles, and chopped basil. Gently stir ingredients then drizzle olive oil over the top and sprinkle salt and pepper over the salad. Gently stir again. Serve chilled.

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